Change animated content in Airplay (TV) session

It’s possible to change all animated content that is visible when you stream a session over Airplay to the Apple TV.

Download demo zip file

Step 1

Download the example zip file using the ‘Download demo zip file’ button. Extract the zip file on your computer and open the folder. Delete all the folders of the animations that you don’t want to replace.

Step 2

Open a folder of an animation that you want to change. Replace all files of the animation in the folder. Make sure the naming of the new files is the same as in the original folder. Change more folders in the same manner. Make sure that the amount of files/frames remains the same. Select all folder(s) and create a zip file from it/them. Name the zip file ‘externalanimations’.

Step 3

Upload the zip file to Google Drive or Dropbox. Send a public link of the zip file to the iPhone or iPad using your preferred method (for example, email or airdrop). Click the link on the iPhone or iPad to download the zip file.

Step 4

Open the app Touchpix and go to ‘settings’ in the upper left corner. Go to the ‘External session’ -> ‘Custom animations’ and tap ‘From zip’. Add the ‘’ file.