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MultiPass subscription

General description

The MultiPass subscription provides the capability to activate events on both iOS and Android devices. It allows the simultaneous activation of up to four events/devices. Setting up a sharing station does not count as an activation.

MultiPass subscriptions can be purchased directly on the store and are associated with your account. To activate events, simply log in with the account through which the purchase was made. Then, visit your events page, open the QR code of one of them, scan it with the Touchpix app and, you’re done. Sharing your account with anyone other than your company colleagues/employees is strictly prohibited. For more information, please refer to our General Terms and Conditions.

Touchpix offers four different subscription duration options: weekly (1 week), monthly (1 month), half-yearly (6 months), and yearly (1 year). All subscriptions are set to renew automatically one hour before the contracted period ends. If the renewal payment fails the subscription will not be extended. If you wish to cancel your subscription prior to the renewal, you can find detailed instructions in our article.

The event activations with your devices are linked to your subscription. To unlink a device from your subscription, take this specific device and close an event with it.


To ensure proper functionality, the MultiPass requires the following:

  • iOS 16 or later on your iOS devices.
  • Android 10 or later on your Android devices.