Touchpix Analytics
Touchpix records analytics data from your event, including basic information such as how many sessions were run, what type of session it was (photo, video, gif, etc.). We also track how many times each session was shared, and which sharing methods were used. Additionally, you can export the email addresses, phone numbers that were used as a .CSV file.
Each device used at the event stores its own sharing data, so to obtain accurate statistics, you should upload data from all your devices if desired. The statistics are automatically uploaded when you close your event or exit your sharing station the following way:
Open side menu.
- Tap on ‘Close Event’ or ‘Exit sharing station.’
- Complete the steps for the selected option.
You can also manually upload the data during the event by following these steps:
- Open your Touchpix app.
- Open the side menu and locate MARKETING settings group.
- Tap on ‘Analytics’ option.
- Tap ‘Upload Analytics’ to upload your data to
To access your data, go to your events page, locate your event row, and click the icon under the ‘Data’ column.